Little Feet’s Blog

Just another weblog

Pequenopie “Little Feet” April 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — pequenopie @ 12:10 am

This is our little Abby on Easter morning, in Tennessee. We went down to visit Michael’s parents, my parents and my sister and brother in-law. We had a 10 hour drive down there and Abby did great. Michael, Lizzy, Abby and I were excited to get away and to have Abby meet Michael’s parents for the first time.

I wasn’t sure how it would be, but it was even better than I imagined. It was just like the first time we went to Tennessee and Michael’s parents held Lizzy for the first time. Abby was of course a pure joy, she did so good, smiling and just being a happy baby. I was concerned before we left, thinking this could be a nightmare. It’s hard staying at someone’s house and having a baby up all night and having a cranky baby.

 Michael and I both have noticed how many things we count as Abby’s firsts. It was her first vacation, first Easter and first time to meet her Grandma and Grandpa Tacoma. So many firsts that she will experience with us.

I know some people around us in our family probably thought wow they are nuts for starting all over. It was so sweet to have Michael’s mom say I really get it and understand why you are adopting Abby, that she deserves the love we can give her.



 Abby has more nicknames given from her two Grandpa’s, than any baby could have.  Tootsie, hot-dog, peanut, pot, and squab were some of them. How can anyone see her and not be touched. I couldn’t decide which picture to put in this blog and they were all so cute, so I’m putting all of them up.



 Abby is now 6 months old and we feel so blessed to have this little girl in our home every day. I thank God that he birthed this desire in me and our family.

Her middle name is Hope and her name Abigail means one who brings joy, her name totally fits her.


These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11

Would love to hear your comments, thoughts, feelings and scripture…

More to come later!


3 Responses to “Pequenopie “Little Feet””

  1. sharon Says:

    Your family’s joy is our joy. So glad that you all had such a wonderful holiday together. As our three year old grandson says, “feel the love……”
    Bless you and your bundle of continued joy!

  2. Diana Says:

    She is so precious and beautiful! I know she will bring such joy to your lives as you watch her grow.

  3. Luann Says:

    Oh my gosh, she is so darn cute! How blessed your family is to be a part of her little budding life.

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